Vilafranca Christian Fellowship - Evangelical Church in Mallorca

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We believe in...

There is only one God, alive, true, personal, eternal, perfect in righteousness, infinite in power, wisdom, love and kindness, which is creator and sustainer of all that exists. In the unity of the Divine, there are three Beings: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, which are equal in substance, attributes and glory.

The Son of God, Jesus Christ; our Lord and Savior, was born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ is God manifested in flesh, so that in Him concur two natures: The divine, with all its attributes, and the human with perfect and sinless character, constituting a unique and indivisible person. He is completely God and completely human: the perfect revelation of the Father and the perfect representative of humanity.

He suffered and died on the cross for all human sin, rose from the dead on the third day and ascended to heaven. Representing all humanity before the Father, Jesus provides the perfect human sacrifice to God. Since he died for all, all died in Him, and in Him all will be risen. Jesus will come again in power and glory, to judge the living and the dead and to reign over all things.


The Spirit of the living God is who convicts of sin and leads people to repentance, offering them the forgiveness and Grace of God, obtained through the Blood of Jesus Christ being sacrificed on the Cross for all the sin of the world.
It dwells in the heart of everyone who believes and recognizes Jesus as his only God and Savior. Guides, comfort and gives strength to the believer, so to continue on the path of faith, with power and spiritual gifts to build the church (believers).

The Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Infallible in its original documents, and transmitted reliably in the 39 and 27 books that make up the Old and New Testaments respectively, which testifies of Jesus Christ and helps the believer to know better the loving character of God, thus raising his faith. The Bible is the ultimate authority in all matters of faith, conduct, and salvation.


By accepting Jesus Christ into our hearts, we are saved and accepted by Grace into the family of God. All believers together constitute the universal Church (the people of God), and we are called to live in unity and brotherhood, to carry out Jesus' commandment "to love one another" (John 15:12).
We adore our Savior in unity and freedom, with current music and words that edify our soul.
We obey the biblical mandate of the baptism of the new believer, and the Bread and Wine as a reminder of the sacrifice, resurrection and return of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jesus will return for his church, according to his promise, raising the dead and giving them eternal life, establishing his Kingdom on Earth.

The Vilafranca Christian Fellowship also believes and accepts the Nicene Creed (381 AD), as well as the Declaration of Faith of the Communion of Grace International, a document that is updated in the following web page:
C/ Palma, 21 (bajos)
07250 Vilafranca de Bonany
Islas Baleares, EspaƱa
Tel.: +34 619 354 441

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